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Tag: #horse speed

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  • ACTH Gel Injection- 80IU is frequently used 4-6 hours prior to anticipated exercise. The hormone, ACTH,  stimulates the adrenal gland to secrete large amounts of cortisol into the bloodstream.  This action causes a euphoric response in the brain as well as a potent anti-inflammatory effect at the tissue level.ACTH Gel Injection- 80IU Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), …

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  • Pure Energy Delays fatigue and allows quicker recovery. Most horsemen are aware of its effectiveness This is the purest form availablePure Energy Administration: Administer IM only. Ideally given 2 hrs pre event. But effective whenever given. Active Constituents: 400 mg Adenosine triphosphate. Pre mixed. Active Constituents: Contains a new revolutionary all natural homeopathic formula. It does not …

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