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Dragontropin is a human growth hormone that is used throughout the world as a supplement. Many reviews of this product rave at its ability to help athletes and bodybuilders increase their muscle mass and decrease their body fat

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Dragontropin is a human growth hormone that is used throughout the world as a supplement. Many reviews of this product rave at its ability to help athletes and bodybuilders increase their muscle mass and decrease their body fat.
Other common names and terms: Jintropin, Riptropin, Norditropin, Zorbtive, Humatrope, Nutropin, Ansomon, Ansomone, Norditropin, Kigtropin, Zomacton, Somatropin, Tev-Tropin, Pharmatropin, SimpleXx, Hygetropin, Kalpatropin, Glotropin, Taitropin, Jintropine, Kefei
Active Life: 2.5-3 Dayshttps://Dragontropin
Drug Class: Growth Hormone Analog
Detection Time: N/A
Chemical Structure: –
Common Doses: 4-10 IU/day
Blood pressure: No
Acne: No
Water retention: No
Aromatisation: No
Liver toxicity: No
Decrease HPTA function: None

Dragontropin is a human growth hormone that is used throughout the world as a supplement. Many reviews of this product rave at its ability to help athletes and bodybuilders increase their muscle mass and decrease their body fat.

These results can be achieved safely with Dragon Pharma’s Dragontropin; however, it is necessary to regulate the dosage size and frequency to ensure this safety

The use of Dragontropin, a human growth hormone (HGH), is becoming more and more widespread. It is very common to hear of professional athletes and body builders using this supplement in order to improve their appearance and endurance.

Every person is born with the human growth hormone, which is produced naturally in the pituitary gland. Its essential purpose in the body is to stimulate growth, regenerate cells, and aid in cell reproduction. Dragontropin is a man made (synthetic) human growth hormone, designed for use in pediatric patients lacking sufficient HGH.

Dragontropin binds itself to growth hormone receptors that are present on cells throughout the body. There it helps to regulate glucose and lipid metabolism, fluid homeostasis, and muscle growth. HGH stimulates the muscle cells to increase in size and more rapid cell division. It also improves a cell’s ability to accept amino acids and convert them into protein. Lipid and glucose metabolism decrease the body fat within the cells. Thus, Dragontropin boasts the ability to decrease fat percentages and increase muscle mass.

Dragontropin Cycle

The regulation of Dragontropin dosage is tantamount to its effectiveness. It is usually distributed in 3.3 milligram bottles, but its dosage is measured in international units (i.u.). 3.3 milligrams is approximately 10 i.u. The dosage of Dragontropin should be calculated based on the weight of the individual. Studies have shown that the effective dose for fat loss is .028 i.u./kg. This would mean that a 220lb person would use 2.8 i.u. per day. Thus, most individuals will use between 2.5 and 3 i.u. per day.

These injections should be used for at least a four-month period and if results are not seen within the first two months the dosage can be increased to between 4 to 5 i.u. Body builders can safely use nearly twice as much Dragontropin during the day. If this amount is desired, however, it is divided between two doses a day. Using more than this is not unheard of.

In fact, some body builders will take single doses of ten to twelve i.u. per day and at this rate, complications may occur. You can always buy Dragontropin at our online store.


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